Friday, March 2, 2012

innovative activity 3: inside snowball fight

This activity would be a really fun activity for kids who are in the hospital after surgery or who are cancer patients, or in the hospital for any reason. Basically, get everyone in their winter clothes, while still indoors, and take them to a room with a large space. Give everyone a small bag of marshmallows and let them throw them at each other! It's an awesome way for kids to have their spirit's lifted, for them to socially interact with others in the hospital, and to have the feeling of being outside the hospital. The only thing really needed is marshmallows, winter clothes, and a large space. Be sure to assess whether kids are physically well enough to be involved in some more vigorous activity and make sure all obstacles are out of the way so people don't get hurt running around. This is definitely easy, innovative and fun!

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