Monday, February 27, 2012


We did it. We performed a flash mob on the UWL campus. And it was AWESOME. I have to admit that I wasn't really "feeling it" on performance day. I was a little bit nervous and didn't really feel like doing it. I was surprised to feel this, after having been in 6 musicals and numerous band/choir concerts in high school and after having really enjoyed the practices for the flash mob. Regardless of how I felt, I got my white t-shirt and workout clothes on and headed to Murphy Library, where we were all meeting beforehand. We quickly briefed the layout of the flash mob and started sporadically heading into the REC.

I was one of the first ones in there, so the progression of seeing people from our class enter the REC was really fun. I was walking with Niki and we thought that people could tell that we were obviously not in the REC to exercise, but this is probably only because we knew the truth. The REC was very accommodating and had set up the sound system and someone for the Racquet even came in to video and take pictures. I had even told my roommates that it was going to be awesome and they wouldn't want to miss it.

The flash mob music began at a little after 4:30pm and people started collecting from all over the building to join in dancing on the second basketball court. It was really, really fun to watch the reactions of the different people in the REC. There were quite a few people exercising that afternoon and some decided to keep exercising, while others chose to watch and be entertained for a little bit. It was a blast. After it was over, we all dispersed and eventually met back in the library.

We were able to kind of process this experience as a group after we met back in the library. A few points that I have taken away from this experience is that group activities take much more work than an activity on your own. I was even thinking about this as I went home for a night this weekend. When I'm home, there are meals to help prepare and clean up, diapers to change, and kids to play with, but when I'm in my house in La Crosse, my time is my own. Whether I'm working on a group project or visiting my family, that time is spent on other people rather than spending it on myself. I love when the Lord teaches me things like this. I so want my time and my life to not only be focused on myself and only what I want. I really do want to learn how I can pour into other people and think less about myself. Another thing we talked about is how much putting together, practicing, and performing the flash mob brought us together as a class. We really bonded because we were doing something that brought us out of our comfort zones. When people are outside of their comfort zones, they cling to what is familiar and solid, even if it's only vaguely familiar. In our case, we clung to each other. When I think about leading wilderness trips as a therapeutic recreation service, I get really excited to think about the potential that creative tension brings. I'm so thankful to have a major that I'm excited and passionate about!

check it out.

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